About me

Hi! I’m Maya. A Mexican artist and illustrator.

Art has been a constant companion in my 26 years on this planet, and today, I’m an aspiring children’s book illustrator with a fascination for storytelling and a desire to bring stories to life through playful visuals.

My inspiration stems from a deep love for nature and a compelling curiosity for myths, legends, folktales, fairytales, and all things considered odd by the mundane.

In my work, I enjoy using a combination of digital tools and traditional mediums like gouache, colored pencils, pastels, and acrylics, which allows me to experiment with my style to better suit each unique story.

Whether it’s whimsical characters or vibrant scenes from nature, I hope my illustrations resonate deeply with both children and adult readers alike, making each story an unforgettable experience.

Beyond Illustration

Beyond illustration, I enjoy exploring different forms of creativity with a wide range of interests that inspire my work. Whether I’m playing guitar, putting pen to paper, or experimenting with different materials, I’m always in search of new ways to indulge and engage with the world around me.

When I’m not drawing, you can find me immersed in a book, playing video games or writing  down ideas for future stories.


  • Yes! I studied a semester of graphic design, but switched majors and graduated with a B.A. in Architecture and Urban Strategies (2017-2021).

  • The last book I read was The River Remembers: A Novel by Linda Ulleseit. I usually track my reads on my Goodreads account.

    I’m currently reading The Hound of the Baskervilles bySirArthur Conan Doyle (for the second time), and 1984 by George Orwell (this is the 3rd time that I’ve tried to finish it, mind you, last time I DNF it was about 5 years ago).

  • Green, particularly Olive and Forest Green.

  • These might change, but right now:

    • Book: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien.

    • Movie: Pride and Prejudice.

    • TV Show: The Walking Dead.

  • Tough question. Here's my playlist for my current favorite music. It's a mess, as is my taste in music, though I tend to gravitate towards Folk, Country, Glam Rock and Pop Punk.

  • Edinburgh, or somewhere in Scotland.

    Maybe somewhere in England or Ireland, though I haven't travelled to either of them, so I couldn't say for certain.

    As long as it's cold, rainy and has some type of body of water, I'll be happy.

  • Sadly, no. I'd love to have a chocolate labrador, a rescue greyhound and a cat (or two), though.